Questions and answers

Questions and answers

Are there any age restrictions if you go to study in Slovakia?
Higher education institutions of the Slovak Republic do not impose age restrictions.
Do all Slovak universities provide free education for Ukrainians?
Getting an education at state universities in Slovakia is free for Ukrainians (only a stationary one). But keep in mind that the training takes place in the Slovak language.
How long does it take to prepare documents for admission to Slovakia?
This is a complex procedure, which in some cases can take up to a year. First, a package of documents to the university is formed (application, confirmation of payment, resume, official translation of grades and other papers). This is followed by the recognition of educational documents in the Slovak Republic.
Do I need to confirm the knowledge of the Slovak language at the University of Slovakia?
Knowing the Slovak language is necessary for passing entrance exams for some faculties, as well as for studying at a university and successfully passing the exam. Every year the number of universities that require a certificate of knowledge of the state language is increasing.
How many years does it take to study in a Slovak school?
Thirteen or fourteen years old. After the 9th grade, students study for four or five years, but sometimes they enter a college or gymnasium after the 8th grade, then the study continues for twelve years.
Can documents for nostrification be submitted electronically or sent by mail from Ukraine?
Documents cannot be sent electronically, but they can be sent by mail. When the documents get to the state institution of the Slovak Republic, they are considered for about a month, after which you need to pick up the nostrification document yourself or wait until it is delivered by mail.
What are the conditions for obtaining a hostel for students-citizens of third countries?
First-year foreign students are provided with a hostel in the first place. The place in the queue depends on the distance of the university from the city of residence. It is necessary to submit an application with a request, where information about the distance to the house is indicated.
To apply for a residence permit based on studies, can I go to any courses?
According to the law, in order to apply for a residence permit for the purpose of studying, you must officially confirm enrollment for study from a state language school, which is on the official list of accredited institutions.
Who can enter Slovak universities and under what conditions?
A person who has received a complete general secondary education or a complete special secondary education can enter the bachelor's degree. To enroll in a master's program, you must have a higher education of the first or second stage. To enter doctoral studies, you need to complete the second stage of higher education.

For enrollment, it is required to present a document confirming the completion of the corresponding stage. The requirements of faculties and universities for paperwork may vary.
Do I need to pass exams to enter Slovak universities?
Faculties themselves decide whether entrance examinations for specific specialties will be held. Now, for most professions, exams are not required due to the small competition. Exceptions can be made for the most popular profiles related to medicine, computer technology or law.
Is it possible to start studying at a university in Slovakia without knowing the state language?
At the moment, most of the faculties do not require confirmation of proficiency in the Slovak language for enrollment. But language training needs to be carried out, since training takes place in the state language. The better the student prepares before the start of the school year, the easier it will be to study.
What are the differences in the Slovak and Ukrainian systems of education?
There are practically no differences. The training is based on the Bologna system. Minor differences may be in individual universities and faculties, since their leadership has the right to modify the learning process. The main task of the student is to collect enough credits during each semester to move on to the next course.
Can a foreign student work in Slovakia?
A foreign student who has a residence permit for the purpose of studying has the right to work, but not more than twenty hours a week.
Education in schools in Slovakia is longer than in Ukraine. They leave school at the age of nineteen. What if the child graduated from school, but he is only seventeen?
If the child has a certificate of secondary education, he can enter any university in the Slovak Republic.
Are diplomas issued in Ukraine valid in Slovakia?
Yes, after their recognition through the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.
Is it easier to study in a Slovak school than in a Ukrainian one?
All schools are different, but the approach to learning and the workload in Slovakia and Ukraine are different.
Can children go to kindergarten or school in SR?
Yes, even in the middle of the school year. They will definitely take me to school, and to kindergarten - if there are free places. Education is free, but in the state language.
Is education paid for children of third-country nationals in Slovakia?
There is no need to pay for education in public educational institutions in the Slovak language.
Can children of foreigners go to a public school or only to a private one?
Children of foreign citizens have the right to study in a public school.
Is public school paid?
Free. All textbooks are provided. There are separate financial contributions, but purely symbolic. Paid lunches are inexpensive. The food is good.
Are there schools in Slovakia in English?
Yes, private schools offer instruction in English. The cost starts from €5000 per year.
If a child studies and lives in Slovakia, can a parent obtain a residence permit on the basis of family reunification?
Family reunification can be applied for by a relative in the direct ascending line (husband, wife), a child under 18 years of age or a dependent person in accordance with an international treaty.
A family member is:
  • husband wife;
  • a child under the age of 18;
  • a child over 18 who is unable to take care of himself;
  • parent dependent on the care of the child.
What is the Slovak language?
It's like a mixture of several Slavic languages. A tourist from Ukraine will first understand ten to twenty percent.
Is it possible to live normally in Slovakia without knowing the Slovak language and communicating only in English?
The locals speak Slovak. English speakers are mostly students. Here it is easier and faster to explain yourself in Ukrainian or Russian. Older people understand Russian a little, as they studied it in schools. Reading light literature, watching TV and listening to the radio, you can quickly begin to understand others.
How long does it take to learn the Slovak language?
Here everything is individual. Someone is already talking in a couple of months, and someone will need a year. But it turns out to communicate from the very first days of the move. The more time and effort you devote to learning a language, the faster you can start speaking.

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