Our advantages

Full support: from filing documents to assistance in matters on the territory of Slovakia.

Assistance at all stages of filing documents: from preliminary verification of documents to obtaining a passport.

Issuance of a work visa for both short and long term.

Advice on all issues related to moving to Slovakia.

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Frequently asked Questions
Can I travel to a country outside the Schengen area with a Schengen visa?
Once a single-entry visa has been issued, it cannot be used again to enter the Schengen area. If you have a multiple-entry visa, you can repeatedly travel outside the Schengen zone during its validity.
If the director of a Slovak company wants to leave the company, how to do it?
This is decided at the General Meeting of Founders. The majority of participants must be present. A director who wants to leave the firm puts the issue on the agenda. It is necessary to immediately appoint a new director, since this is the executive body of a trading company and the position should not be vacant. The decision is then entered into the register. The change of director must also be declared to the banking institution.
How to make a medical certificate for applying for a residence permit in Slovakia?
You need to choose a Slovak medical center that issues such certificates and has the required level of accreditation. There you can get a certificate of the absence of diseases with which they are not allowed to enter the republic.
To apply for a residence permit based on studies, can I go to any courses?
According to the law, in order to apply for a residence permit for the purpose of studying, you must officially confirm enrollment for study from a state language school, which is on the official list of accredited institutions.
Is it true that an individual entrepreneur does not need to buy medical insurance in Slovakia if he purchased medical insurance in Ukraine, and this insurance satisfied the police?
No. Such matters are controlled by various provisions. The need for individual entrepreneurs to buy medical insurance is determined by the law “On Medical Insurance”, and the police follow the law “On the Residence of Foreigners”.
Customer Reviews
Thanks to the Emigrate.help staff for their help in obtaining a work visa. The task was not difficult, but I was pleased with the attitude of the managers.
Thanks to the Emigrate.help staff for their help in obtaining a work visa. The task was not difficult, but I was pleased with the attitude of the managers, who explained everything in detail, told and helped in a “quick mode”, because the visa was needed urgently.
Thanks to the Emigrate.help staff for their help in obtaining a work visa. The task was not difficult, but I was pleased with the attitude of the managers, who explained everything in detail, told and helped in a “quick mode”, because the visa was needed urgently.
Thanks to the Emigrate.help staff for their help in obtaining a work visa. The task was not difficult, but I was pleased with the attitude of the managers, who explained everything in detail, told and helped in a “quick mode”, because the visa was needed urgently.
Thanks to the Emigrate.help staff for their help in obtaining a work visa. The task was not difficult, but I was pleased with the attitude of the managers, who explained everything in detail, told and helped in a “quick mode”, because the visa was needed urgently.
mpressed by the professional approach of the Emigrant.Help team. A residence permit in Slovakia was obtained in record time. I recommend this company to everyone.
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