Questions and answers

Questions and answers

After applying for a residence permit, is it possible to wait for a decision while staying in Slovakia?
You can stay in the SR only as long as the visa-free regime allows.
For what period of time is a residence permit issued for the first time?
Usually for 365 days, but it happens that for 2 years.
For how many years can a residence permit be extended?
Mostly for one year, but if the income shows a two or three times result, then there is a possibility of registration for two or three years.
Is it difficult to extend a residence permit in Slovakia? Is it possible to refuse an extension?
Not very difficult, but they can refuse. The main thing is to comply with all conditions for the extension of the residence permit.
Is it necessary to rent or purchase real estate in order to obtain a residence permit in Slovakia if I do not think of moving there?
Yes, this requirement must be met. It is important that the dwelling is acceptable for life, that is, there are pieces of furniture, electricity and water. This is checked by the police.
A child is already nineteen years old, can he apply for a residence permit in the SR for the purpose of family reunification?
This used to be the case, but at the moment it is not possible. A child who has reached the age of majority needs to apply for a residence permit on a different basis (obtaining education/employment/entrepreneurial activity).
Can my family apply for family reunification at the same time as me?
Yes. Relatives can apply for family reunification while you apply for a residence permit on a different basis.
Can my family move to the Slovak Republic and wait there for a residence permit for family reunification?
Yes. Children at this time can go to study in SR. But we must not forget that you can stay there as long as the visa-free regime allows, that is, no more than three months. Applying for a residence permit does not automatically grant permission to reside in the state.
How many days a year do you need to live in Slovakia with a residence permit?
According to the law, one must stay in the republic for at least one hundred and eighty-three days in a calendar year. The term is calculated from the date of approval of the residence permit.
If you have a residence permit, do you need to issue an invitation through the police to invite your parents?
Usually, an invitation certified by a Slovak notary office is enough. This applies to close family members. And it is preferable to issue invitations to distant relatives and friends through the police.
When is it necessary to come to Slovakia after obtaining a residence permit?
It is required to arrive within one hundred and eighty days from the date of receipt of the residence permit.
Is it possible to change the purpose of a residence permit in Slovakia?
Yes. Then you need to apply to change the purpose of the residence permit, but no later than on the last day of the current residence permit.
What is the Blue (blue) card?
This is a type of residence permit issued to foreigners who have the highest professional qualifications for the purpose of employment. It makes it possible to enter, stay, work in the territory of the Slovak Republic, travel abroad and back. In simple terms, this is a work visa with a simplified procedure for issuing, applying and renewing.
What steps need to be taken after obtaining a residence permit?
  • Arrive within the first 180 days from the date of receipt of the residence permit.
  • Notify the Aliens Police of the start of accommodation within the first three days of arrival.
  • Make medical insurance in the first three days from the time of receipt of confirmation of the residence permit.
  • Within the first month from the date of obtaining a residence permit, bring a document confirming medical insurance to the police for foreigners.
  • In the first month from the date of obtaining a residence permit, submit to the Aliens Police a medical certificate confirming the absence of prohibited diseases.
In what cases can a residence permit in Slovakia be withdrawn?
A few examples:
  • the basis for being in the country has ended;
  • errors were found in the documents;
  • during the check it turned out that the person had provided false information;
  • involvement in illegal actions, bringing to criminal responsibility.
Is it possible to obtain a residence permit in the Slovak Republic through the establishment of a company?
Yes, but it is faster to start business immigration to the Slovak Republic through the registration of an individual entrepreneur. When business activity is visible on the IP, you can proceed to the procedure for registering a company and reissuing a residence permit type.
Is it possible to obtain a residence permit in the Slovak Republic by purchasing real estate here?
There is no such basis for obtaining a residence permit in the Slovak Republic.
How to apply for a residence permit for a preschool child?
Children under the age of eighteen receive a temporary residence permit on the basis of family reunification. An application for this purpose can be made immediately after the registration of the main residence permit of the parent.
How to move to live in the Slovak Republic with the whole family?
It is necessary to obtain a temporary residence permit for one adult, and the rest of the family members (husband / wife and minor children) receive a residence permit on the basis of family reunification.
Can I reunite my parents of retirement age?
An exceptionally single parent who, for medical reasons, needs proper care, and there are no relatives other than you who can provide it.

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