Questions and answers

Questions and answers

What do foreigners with a residence permit need to get a mortgage in Slovakia?
Conditions for obtaining a mortgage:
  • The owner of the company must provide the profit of the enterprise for the past year.
  • If you have been doing business as an PE for a year and paid taxes.
  • If you work officially, have an employment contract for an indefinite period, and at least 90 days have passed since the start of employment.
  • The duration of your residence permit is more than six months.
  • Your net income must meet the requirements of the bank.
What is the mortgage interest rate? What documents are required? Is it possible to get a mortgage without a residence permit in Slovakia?
In the Slovak Republic, you can get a mortgage without a residence permit. It is given for a maximum of twenty years, up to seventy percent of the cost of housing. The decision is made within two weeks.
To calculate the interest rate, you must provide the following data:
  • net income, confirmed by documents;
  • family status;
  • spouse's net income;
  • age;
  • monthly expenses;
  • number of adults in the family;
  • the number of minors and their age;
  • education;
  • period of work at the last enterprise;
  • payroll data;
  • who pays for mobile communications;
  • whether there is real estate in the property;
  • Are there other loans?

Documents for filing a drip:
  • the passport;
  • registration or place of residence;
  • wages;
  • data from a bank account for 90 days;
  • labor contract;
  • a future contract agreement to be used in the acquisition;
  • property valuation.

For directors of companies, the list of documents is different.
Is it possible to drive a car with Ukrainian license plates in Slovakia or is it necessary to register it?
It is not necessary to register a car, but a green card is required.
If you buy a car in Slovakia, how long will it be possible to drive it to Ukraine?
Now you can visit for five days if you enter and exit through one checkpoint, or for ten days if you enter and exit through different checkpoints. If you get on temporary consular registration in the Slovak Republic, then the period will be sixty days a year.
When obtaining a residence permit in the Slovak Republic, do I need to obtain a Slovak driver's license or can I use a Ukrainian one?
A foreign ID can be used for the first 185 days. Then it needs to be exchanged for a Slovak one. There is no requirement to take a driving test.
Is it more expensive to live in Slovakia than in Ukraine?
Life in Slovakia and Ukraine is quite comparable. Some prices will be higher, some lower.
How do locals treat immigrants?
Friendly and welcoming.
Is it easy for a child to adapt to Slovakia?
Foreign children are well received here. The child will not feel like a stranger. In educational institutions, teachers gradually increase the load and help newcomers in every possible way in order to speed up the assimilation procedure.
What can be expected socially in the Slovak Republic?
In social terms, foreigners with a residence permit have the same rights as citizens of Slovakia

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