Schools in Bratislava

Secondary education is compulsory for all residents of the Slovak Republic. There are three stages of learning:
  1. from six to ten years of age (grades 1-4) - primary school of the first stage;
  2. from ten to fifteen years of age (grades 5-9) - elementary school of the second stage;
  3. from fifteen to nineteen years of age - studying at a secondary school, college or gymnasium.
Schools in Slovakia are divided into public and private. Public schools are free for everyone. As for private schools and other educational institutions, the cost of education here ranges from 30 to 1000 euros per month. Institutions can be classical or specialized, for example: an art school, a gymnasium with in-depth study of a foreign language, mathematical sciences, sports organizations and others.

Slovakia differs from other European countries in that schools profile education. Therefore, after graduation at the first stage, the child and his parents need to decide whether he will enter the university and which one. Depending on this decision, one of three types of further education is selected:
  • Gymnasiums are completed by those who plan to go to universities. The training continues for four years. Often, these educational institutions have their own direction, for example, in-depth study of mathematics, chemistry, biology or other subjects. There are eight-year gymnasiums, children enter them after the fourth grade. There are also five-year gymnasiums where, from the second year of study, subjects are taught only in a foreign language, which makes it possible to enter a higher educational institution abroad and adapt there faster.
  • In secondary specialized educational institutions, one can receive training in technical, economic, pedagogical and medical fields. The training lasts for four years. With such an education, you can become a junior specialist in the chosen industry and go to a university.
  • Secondary vocational school offers working specialties of different levels. The duration of study ranges from one to four years.
Education in Slovakia fully complies with EU standards. The admission procedure does not cause difficulties, the main thing is the desire for children to gain knowledge of the European level.
Educational institutions in Bratislava with the best student ratings
Primary Schools:
  1. Súkr.ZŠ - Gifted children, Baikalskaya 20.
  2. Primary school, Sokolikova 2.
  3. Primary school, Osredkova 14.
  4. Primary school, Malokarpatsky estate 1.
  5. Primary school with kindergarten, Za kasárňa 2.
  6. United school sv. Františka z Assisi, Karloveská 32. This is a church school, the educational activity of which is characterized by the synthesis of culture, faith and science.
  7. Joint elementary school, Tilgnerova 14.
  8. Primary school, Hlboká cesta 4.
  9. Primary school with kindergarten, Grösslingová 48.
  10. Primary school ZŠ Matky Alexie, Palackého 1.
  11. Primary school, Mierová 46.
  12. Primary school, Mudroňova 83.
  13. Primary school with kindergarten Milan Hodzha, Škarniclova 1.
  14. Primary school with a kindergarten, Eseneva 54.
  15. Primary school, Medzilaborecká 11.
  16. Primary school, Vazovova 4.
  17. Primary school, Beňovského 1.
  18. Primary school with kindergarten, Hubeného 25.
  19. Primary school, Rajčianska 3.
  20. Primary school, Pankukhova 4.
Secondary vocational schools:
  1. Higher School of Mechanical Engineering, Fajnorovo nábrežie 5.
  2. High School of Electrical Engineering, Karola Adlera 5.
  3. Secondary medical school, Záhradnícka 44.
  4. Academy of Business, Račianska 107. Serves as the cathedral school for the Comenius University in Bratislava.
  5. Academy of Business, Nevädzová 3. Specialization: banking, tax system, insurance, applied economics.
  6. Secondary medical school, Strechnianska 20.
  7. School of Art Industry, Dúbravská cesta 11. Art, photography, restoration techniques, stone sculpture, ceramics, wood design and processing, textile, industrial and graphic design are studied here.
  8. Pedagogical secondary school, Bullova 2.
  9. Private School of Art Industry, Ivanská cesta 21.
  10. Secondary school of chemistry, Vlčie hrdlo 50.
  11. Academy of Business, Hrobákova 11.
  12. Private secondary driving school - double academy, Jána Jonáša 5.
  13. Secondary vocational school for cosmetic services, Račianska 105.
  14. School of Art Industry, Sklenarova 7.
  15. Academy, Mikovíniho 1.
  16. Secondary professional school of mass media and informatics, Kadnarova 7.
  17. Private School of Animation Art Industry, Vlastenecké námestie 1. A unique feature of the school is the MotionCapture 20 Motion Picture Animation System, in which students practice to work. Departments of photography, graphics, fashion design, video and audio production are also in demand.
  18. Higher School of Electrical Engineering, Zokhova 9.
  19. Secondary Industrial School of Construction and Geodesy, Drieňová 35.
  20. Secondary Industrial School of Transport, Kvachalova 20.
  1. Gymnasium Jura Hronca, Novohradská 3. Pays attention to mathematics, physics and computer science, and also implements the international program International Baccalaureate Diploma.
  2. Private gymnasium, Baikalskaya 20.
  3. Gymnasium, Grösslingová 18. Public institution that offers two study programs. An eight-year-old (from 11 to 19 years old) has a mathematical bias and one class of 30 students. The four-year-old (from 15 to 19 years old) is divided into three classes: one with a mathematical focus and two with general education. Training is conducted in the state language, German and English are additionally studied.
  4. Gymnasium, Methodova 2. A school with an emphasis on learning French, they also travel to France to get practice.
  5. Gymnasium, Pankukhova 6.
  6. Gymnasium Spojená škola sv. Uršule, Jesenského 4/A.
  7. Gymnasium, Bilíkova 24.
  8. United school-gymnasium, Tilgnerova 14.
  9. Gymnasium L.Novomeského, Tomashikova 2.
  10. Evangelical Lyceum, Vranovska 2.
  11. Private gymnasium, Česká 10.
  12. Gymnasium F. G. Lorcu, Hronská 3.
  13. Bilingual Gymnasium CS Lewis, Haanova 28.
  14. Gymnasium, Vazovova 6.
  15. Gymnasium, Ladislav Saru 1.
  16. Gymnasium, Ivan Horvat 14.
  17. Gymnasium with VJM, Dunayska 13.
  18. Gymnasium, Hubeného 23.
  19. United school sv. Uršule - Gymnasium, Nedbalova 4. This is a church school. The Catholic religion, foreign languages ​​and computer science, as well as psychology and art are taught.
  20. Gymnasium A. Einstein, Einsteinov 35. Does not have a special focus. But, as in other schools, it is necessary to learn two languages ​​here. The educational institution has special computer science classes, chemical and physical laboratories.
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